Garland Independent School District |
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, April 23, 2019 6:00 PM
administrative offices of the School District located at 601 S. Jupiter Road, Garland, Texas
I. | Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum | |||||||
II. | Pledges of Allegiance | |||||||
III. | Information Items | |||||||
A. | Evidence of Excellence | |||||||
1. | Recognize Excellence in Nursing Award Nurse Francis Luna | |||||||
Nurse Francis Luna.doc | ||||||||
2. | Recognize Dell Scholars | |||||||
Dell Scholars.doc | ||||||||
B. | Recognize Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Recipient Donna Covington | |||||||
GEM Donna Covington.doc | ||||||||
C. | Recognize Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Recipient Kimberly March | |||||||
GEM Kimberly March.doc | ||||||||
D. | Introduction of New Administrators | |||||||
Introduction of District Administrators.doc | ||||||||
E. | Review February 2019 Monthly Financials (Finance and Audit Committee) |
February 2019 Monthly Financials.doc | ||||||||
February 2019 Monthly Financials.pdf | ||||||||
F. | Review March 2019 Tax Report (Finance and Audit Committee) |
March 2019 Tax Report.doc | ||||||||
March 2019 Tax Report.pdf | ||||||||
G. | Review Second Quarter Investment Report (Finance and Audit Committee) |
Second Quarter Investment Report.doc | ||||||||
Second Quarter Investment Report.pdf | ||||||||
H. | Review Bond Update Presentation (Facilities Committee) |
Bond Update.docx | ||||||||
Presentation on Bond Update - Report.pdf | ||||||||
I. | Receive Initial Dates for the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Roll-Out | |||||||
Initial Dates for the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Roll-Out.doc | ||||||||
Initial Dates for the Long-Range Facilities Master Plan Roll-Out.pdf | ||||||||
J. | Announce Board Member Continuing Education Credit Hours | |||||||
Announce Board Training Credit.doc | ||||||||
Announce Board Training Credit Report.pdf | ||||||||
IV. | Public Forum: The Board will now hear those who wish to make comments and who have completed and returned the Public Comment Participation Request. This section will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board Policy. Speakers must limit comments to issues that can be presented in a public forum. Complaints about student discipline, specific student issues or personnel must be addressed through appropriate administrative channels. | |||||||
V. | Discussion Items | |||||||
A. | Discuss Revisions to Board Operating Procedures (Policy Advisory Group) |
Board Operating Procedures.doc | ||||||||
BOP_LRR edits.docx | ||||||||
B. | Discuss BP (Local) Policy (Policy Advisory Group) |
(BP Local) - Administrative Regulations.doc | ||||||||
BP (LOCAL) - TASB Model policy.docx | ||||||||
C. | Discuss FFB (Local) Policy (Policy Advisory Group) |
(FFB Local) - Student Welfare Crisis Intervention.doc | ||||||||
FFB(LOCAL).docx | ||||||||
D. | Trustees' Report | |||||||
Trustees Report.doc | ||||||||
Board Calendar.pdf | ||||||||
1. | Trustee attendance at recent district and community events | |||||||
2. | Announcement of upcoming district and community events | |||||||
3. | Recognition of outstanding performance by district staff and students | |||||||
4. | Recognition of new programs and special activities | |||||||
5. | Message from Board President | |||||||
E. | Superintendent's Report | |||||||
Superintendent's Report.doc | ||||||||
F. | Future agenda items | |||||||
Future Agenda Items.doc | ||||||||
VI. | Consent Agenda - Consider approval of | |||||||
A. | Board Meeting Minutes | |||||||
Board Meeting Minutes.doc | ||||||||
Minutes 1 22 19 Regular Meeting.doc | ||||||||
Minutes 2 26 19 Public Hearing.doc | ||||||||
Minutes 2 26 19 Regular Meeting.doc | ||||||||
Minutes 3 26 19 Regular Meeting.doc | ||||||||
Minutes 4 4 19 Workshop.doc | ||||||||
Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes 4 9 19.doc | ||||||||
Minutes 4 9 19 District Affairs Committee.doc | ||||||||
Minutes 4 9 19 Finance and Audit Committee.docx | ||||||||
B. | Human Resource Report | |||||||
Human Resources Report.doc | ||||||||
Resign/Retire.pdf | ||||||||
VII. | Action Items (Non Consent) | |||||||
A. | Consider Approval of 2019-2020 Calendar Proposal Revision (District Affairs Committee) |
2019-2020 Calendar.doc | ||||||||
Calendar Alignment with DCCCD April 2019.pptx | ||||||||
B. | Consider Approval of Air Force JROTC MOU (District Affairs Committee) |
Air Force JROTC.doc | ||||||||
AFJROTC Presentation.pptx | ||||||||
C. | Consider Approval of Renaissance myON Reader (District Affairs Committee) |
Renaissance myON Reader.doc | ||||||||
Literacy for Life Balanced Literacy.pptx | ||||||||
D. | Consider Approval of Changes to Board Operating Procedures (Policy Advisory Group) |
Board Operating Procedures.doc | ||||||||
BOP FINAL EDITS.pdf | ||||||||
E. | Consider Approval of Budget Transfers and Amendments to the 2018-2019 General Fund (Finance and Audit Committee) |
Budget Transfers and Amendments to the 2018-2019 General Fund.doc | ||||||||
Budget Transfers and Amendments to the 2018-2019 General Fund.pdf | ||||||||
F. | Consider Approval of Tax Refunds for Overpayments or Erroneous Payments (Finance and Audit Committee) |
Tax Refunds for Overpayments or Erroneous Payments.doc | ||||||||
Tax Refunds for Overpayments or Erroneous Payments.pdf | ||||||||
G. | Consider Approval of Agreements with the Cities of Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse for the District's School Resource Officer Program (Finance and Audit Committee) |
Agreements with the Cities of Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse for the District's School Resource Officer Program.doc | ||||||||
City of Garland Agreement.pdf | ||||||||
City of Rowlett Agreement.pdf | ||||||||
City of Sachse Agreement.pdf | ||||||||
H. | Consider Approval of Easement Agreement and Right- of-Way for Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC on District Property at Pleasant Valley Road (Finance and Audit Committee) |
Easement Agreement and Right of Way for Oncor on District Property at Pleasant Valley Road.docx | ||||||||
Easement Agreement and ROW for Oncor on District Property at Pleasant Valley Road.pdf | ||||||||
I. | New Bids (Finance and Audit Committee) | |||||||
1. | Consider Approval of Purchase of Office Furniture | |||||||
Office Furniture.doc | ||||||||
Contract #277-19 Office Furniture.pdf | ||||||||
2. | Consider Approval of Purchase of Instructional Material and Curriculum - Neuhaus | |||||||
Instructional Material and Curriculum - Neuhaus.doc | ||||||||
Contract #394-19-01 Instructional Material and Curriculum - Neuhaus.pdf | ||||||||
3. | Consider Approval of Purchase of Instructional Material and Curriculum - MTS Publications | |||||||
Instructional Material and Curriculum - MTS Publications.doc | ||||||||
Contract #394-19-02 Instructional Material and Curriculum - MTS Publications.pdf | ||||||||
4. | Consider Approval of Purchase of Instructional Material and Equipment for Dyslexia - Texas Scottish Rite | |||||||
Instructional Material and Equipment for Dyslexia - Texas Scottish Rite.doc | ||||||||
Contract #394-19-03 Instructional Material and Equipment for Dyslexia - Texas Scottish Rite.pdf | ||||||||
5. | Consider Approval of School Bus Purchase | |||||||
School Bus Purchase.doc | ||||||||
Contract #495-19 School Bus Purchase.pdf | ||||||||
J. | Renewal Bids (Finance and Audit Committee) | |||||||
1. | Consider Approval of Purchase of Fine Arts Apparel, Merchandise and Accessories | |||||||
Fine Arts Apparel, Merchandise and Accessories.doc | ||||||||
Contract #180-18 Fine Arts Apparel, Merchandise and Accessories.pdf | ||||||||
K. | Increase in Awarded Bids (Finance and Audit Committee) | |||||||
1. | Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for Cafeteria Furniture and Layout | |||||||
Increase in Awarded Amount for Cafeteria Furniture & Layout.doc | ||||||||
Contract #44-19 Increase in Awarded Amount for Cafeteria Furniture & Layout.pdf | ||||||||
2. | Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for Full Service Custodial and Janitorial Services | |||||||
Increase in Awarded Amount for Full Service Custodial and Janitorial Services.doc | ||||||||
Contract #186-17 Increase in Awarded Amount for Full Service Custodial and Janitorial Services.pdf | ||||||||
3. | Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for Carpentry Supplies | |||||||
Increase in Awarded Amount for Carpentry Supplies.doc | ||||||||
Contract #215-17-10 Increase in Awarded Amount for Carpentry Supplies.pdf | ||||||||
L. | Consider Approval of Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Natatorium (Facilities Committee Meeting) |
Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Natatorium.doc | ||||||||
Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Natatorium.pdf | ||||||||
M. | Consider Approval of the Authority to Evaluate Options Including Issuing an RFQ for Independent Auditing Services (Finance and Audit Committee) |
Authority to Evaluate Options Including Issuing an RFQ for Independent Auditing Services.doc | ||||||||
Authority to Evaluate Options Including Issuing an RFQ for Independent Auditing Services.pdf | ||||||||
VIII. | Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. | |||||||
A. | Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071, private consultation with the Board’s attorney, in person or by phone, when the Board seeks the advice of its attorney about: 1) pending or contemplated litigation; 2) a settlement offer; or 3) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter; and Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee: |
1. | Consultation and deliberation regarding administrative recommendations including Director of Position Administration. | |||||||
2. | Consideration and deliberation regarding administrative recommendations with regard to professional and administrative contracts. | |||||||
3. | Consideration and deliberation regarding administrative recommendations with regard to professional employees, teachers and other contractual position contracts. | |||||||
4. | Consideration and deliberation regarding the the proposed non-renewal of Joyce Hunter. | |||||||
IX. | Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session | |||||||
A. | Consideration and possible action regarding administrative recommendations including Director of Position Administration. | |||||||
B. | Consideration and possible action regarding administrative recommendations with regard to professional and administrative contracts. | |||||||
C. | Consideration and possible action regarding administrative recommendations with regard to professional employees, teachers and other contractual position contracts. | |||||||
D. | Consideration and possible action regarding the proposed non-renewal of Joyce Hunter. | |||||||
X. | Adjournment |