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Garland Independent School District

Garland Independent School District
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 6:00 PM
administrative offices of the School District located at 501 S. Jupiter Road, Garland, Texas
I. Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
II. Pledges of Allegiance
III. Public Hearings
A. Conduct a public hearing on School FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Rating Report
Public Hearing on School First.DOC
GISD 2011-2012 School First.pptx
B.  Conduct a public hearing on Texas Accountability and Intervention System (TAIS)
Public Hearing_Targeted Improvement Plan.docx
Targeted Improvement Plan.pdf
IV. Information Items
A. Present Evidence of Excellence Awards
Evidence of Excellence-Project Search.doc
B. Receive 2013-2014 Campus Improvement Plans
2013-2014_Campus Improvement Plans.docx
V. Public Forum
VI. Discussion Items
A. Trustees' exchange of information
Exchange of Information.DOC
B. Review calendar
Calendar Events.DOC
Board Calendar - October 2013.pdf
Board Calendar - November 2013.pdf
C. Discuss future agenda items
Future Agenda Items.DOC
VII. Consent Agenda - Consider approval of
A. Board Meeting Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes.DOC
Minutes 9 10 13 Work Session.doc
Minutes 9 24 13 Regular Meeting.doc
Minutes 10 1 13 Training Session.doc
Minutes 10 8 13 Work Session.doc
B. Budget transfers and amendments to the 2013-2014 adopted budget
Budget Amendments and Transfers.DOC
Budget Amendments and Transfers.pdf
C. New Bids
1. Microsoft volume license agreement
Recommendation-Microsoft Volume License Agreement.DOC
Microsoft Volume License Agreement.pdf
2. Freight manager for instructional materials
Recommendation-Freight Manager for Instructional Materials.DOC
Freight Manager for Instructional Materials.pdf
3. Air conditioning filters
Recommendation-Air Conditioning Filters.DOC
Air Conditioning Filters.pdf
4. Office furniture (catalog)
Recommendation-Office Furniture, Catalog.DOC
Office Furniture, Catalog.pdf
D. Renewal Bids
1. Auction services (Buyboard)
Recommendation-Auction Services (Buyboard).DOC
Auction Services (Buyboard).pdf
2. Hewlett Packard servers
Recommendation-Hewlett Packard Servers.DOC
Hewlett Packard Servers.pdf
3. Instructional material, equipment and service, catalog
Recommendation-Instructional Material, Equipment and Service, Catalog.DOC
Instructional Material, Equipment and Service, Catalog.pdf
4. Telecommunications equipment, parts, and technician services
Recommendation-Telecommunications Equipment, Parts, and Technician Services.DOC
Telecommunications Equipment, Parts, and Technician Services.pdf
5. EPCNT musical instruments, suppliesand repairs
Recommendation-EPCNT Musical Instruments, Supplies and Repair.DOC
EPCNT Musical Instruments, Supplies and Repair.pdf
6. Sheet music
Recommendation-Sheet Music.DOC
Sheet Music.pdf
E. Human Resources Report
Human Resources Report.doc
Personnel Items.doc
VIII. Action Items (Non Consent)
A. Consider approval of Texas Accountability and Intervention System (TAIS) targeted intervention plans
Targeted Improvement Plan.docx
B. Consider approval of campus name change for Cooperative Behavior Center
Rename CBC.doc
Proposed Name Change CBC.docx
C. Consider approval of HBJ Stadium renovations
Recommendation-HBJ Stadium Renovation.doc
HBJ Stadium Renovation.pdf
D. Consider purchase of classroom furniture, catalog
Recommendation-Classroom Furniture, Catalog.DOC
Classroom Furniture, Catalog.pdf
E. Consider approval of increasing the educator legal liability premium
Recommendation-Increase in Educator Legal Liability Premium.DOC
Increase in Educator Legal Liability Premium.pdf
F. Consider purchase of professional staff development consultant services
Recommendation-Professional Staff Development Consultant Services.DOC
Professional Staff Development Consultant Services.pdf
G. Consider approval of Early Release Waiver for Rowlett High School
AC Dec Waiver Request.docx
H. Consider approval of the Choice of School Basic Calendar
Choice of School Basic Calendar
Recommended COS Calendar 2014-15.docx
IX. Superintendent's Report
A. Tax Report
September 2013 Tax Report.DOC
September 2013 Tax Report.pdf
X. Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
A. Consultation with Attorney (in person or by telephone) regarding all matters related to pending litigation, including settlement, Civil Action No. 3:11-cv-00502-N-BK (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.071:  Discussing pending/contemplated litigation, settlement offer(s), or matters concerning privileged and unprivileged client information deemed confidential by Rule 1.05 of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct)
B. Consider Board approval of personnel matters as recommended by the Administration (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.074: Deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of an elected officer or employee)
XI. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
A. Consider approval of authorization for Superintendent to finalize settlement in Civil Action No. 3:11-cv-00502-N-BK
B. Consider approval of personnel matters as recommended by the Administration
XII. Adjournment