Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
II. Pledges of Allegiance and Moment of Silence
III. This meeting is being held in accordance by order of Governor Greg Abbott’s Executive Order on September 17, 2020 and the Texas Health and Human Services. These modifications are necessary to promote the health and safety of the Garland ISD community, and to comply with governmental orders, as well as guidance from health authorities.
IV. Public Forum: Members of the public who wish to make comments may complete a Public Comment Participation Request in person at Harris Hill Administration Building or via email at prior to the start of the meeting indicated in the posting notice. The emailed comments will be read aloud at the meeting by a designated speaker. Emails should include the requester’s name, address and the detailed topic to be read aloud. In addition, comments must be limited to issues that can be presented in a public forum and are directly related to the posted and noticed agenda items. Complaints about student discipline, specific student issues or personnel must be addressed through appropriate administrative channels, in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board policy. For more information about public comment procedures, please review the Board Policy for Public Comment accessible at the following link:
V. Trustee Farewell and Board President's Address
VI. Action Items (Non Consent)
VI.A. Sign Statements of Elected Officer
VI.B. Administer Oath of Office to Newly Elected Trustees
VII. Information Items
VII.A. Evidence of Excellence
VII.A.1. Recognize Austin Academy Honors Orchestra-Joseph Figarelli
VII.A.2. Recognize The Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center-Dr. Erika Crump
VII.B. Recognize Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Recipient Garland ISD Transportation Department-Tiffany Veno
VIII. Discussion Items
VIII.A. Trustees' Report
VIII.A.1. Trustee attendance at recent district and community events
VIII.A.2. Announcement of upcoming district and community events
VIII.A.3. Recognition of outstanding performance by district staff and students
VIII.A.4. Recognition of new programs and special activities
VIII.A.5. Message from Board President
VIII.B. Superintendent's Report
VIII.C. Future Agenda Items
IX. Consent Agenda - Consider approval of
IX.A. Human Resources Report
IX.B. Board Meeting Minutes
X. Action Item (Non Consent)
X.A. Consider Approval to Change the South Garland High School Mascot and School Colors-Dr. Susanna Russell and Dr. Brent Ringo
X.B. Consider Approval of 2020-2021 District Improvement Plan-District Affairs Committee
X.C. Consider Approval of Budget Transfers and Amendments to the 2020-2021 General Fund - Brandy Mayo
X.D. Consider Approval of Disposal of Vehicles - Mark A. Booker
X.E. Consider Approval of Donation from State Farm Enterprise Technology Grant - Michael Bland & Kenneth Pearce
X.F. Consider Approval of Donation from the Garland Fire Department - Dr. Erika Crump
X.G. Consider Approval of Board Operating Procedures
X.H. New Bids
X.H.1. Contract #152-20 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Custodial Supplies - Warehoused - Paul Gonzales
X.H.2. Contract #169-20 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Fundraisers (Catalog) - Mark A. Booker
X.H.3. Contract #173-20 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Roofing Repair Services - Paul Gonzales
X.H.4. Contract #181-20-02 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Apparel (Shirts, T-Shirts, Uniforms & Accessories) - Mark A. Booker
X.H.5. Contract #319-21 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Track Uniforms and Equipment - Cliff Odenwald
X.H.6. Contract #321-20-03 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Textbooks and Materials - Dr. Jovan Grant-Wells
X.H.7. Contract #363-21 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Property Insurance - John King
X.I. Renewal Bids
X.I.1. Contract #325-20 - Consider Approval of Purchase of Testing and Assessment - Dr. Jovan Grant-Wells
X.J. Increase to Awarded Bids
X.J.1. Contract #32-19-04 - Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for Career and Technical Education Agriculture Merchandise and Services - Dr. Erika Crump
X.J.2. Contract #65-20 - Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for Clinic Supplies-Warehoused - Renee Kotsopoulos
X.J.3. Contract #127-19-02 - Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for English Language Learners - Dr. Jovan Grant-Wells
X.J.4. Contract #214-19-07 - Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for HVAC Control Systems, Parts and Services - Paul Gonzales
X.J.5. Contract #281-19 - Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for Elevator Maintenance and Repair Services - Paul Gonzales
X.J.6. Contract #300-20 - Consider Approval of Increase in Awarded Amount for Personal Protective Equipment - Mark A. Booker
X.K. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Continuation or Cancellation of Emergency Delegation of Authority to the Superintendent (Dr. Ricardo Lopez)
XI. Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
XI.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071, private consultation with the Board’s attorney, in person or by phone, when the Board seeks the advice of its attorney about: 1) pending or contemplated litigation; 2) a settlement offer; or 3) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter.
XI.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee.
XI.B.1. Consultation and deliberation regarding possible action regarding proposed termination of the Chapter 21 contract of Larry Jones.
XI.B.2. Consultation and deliberation regarding the selection of officers for the Board of Trustees.
XII. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
XII.A. Consider and take possible action regarding proposed termination of the Chapter 21 contract of Larry Jones.
XII.B. Consideration and possible action regarding the election of Board Officers.
XIII. Adjournment